Gary is Bullish on 2018 Home Values, Plus 2017 Sales in Review

Greetings and welcome 2018!

2017 bestowed another solid increase on the real estate market in St Louis, and across the country. Our local residential market notched a 4% annual gain, similar to the past 4 years, and pushed the average sale price for homes and condos to $234,339. Some parts of the metro experienced more, of course, and some less. The number of sales was up 2.3% from 2016, so home supply is really not shrinking, it is a faster increase in buyers than homes coming on market. Average days on market decreased 15% to 44, with median days a meager 16! Months of Inventory (ratio of homes on the market to how many are selling) shrunk 11% to 2.5 months showing the higher demand.

As for submarkets, I compared 4 factors: days-on-market (DOM), average price negotiation (list price to sale price ratio), months-of-inventory, and sale price increase, to determine hot and cold areas of our metro. I found St Charles County and the Central Corridor (Mid STL County) to be in the highest demand with price appreciation between 5.5% to 6%, shorter DOM, and lower supply. The Central Corridor had the highest average sale price in the region, no surprise, at $400,000. South County showed only 3% appreciation but had strong indicators otherwise, so I anticipate a higher price increase there in 2018. North County had the highest value increase at 7%, but the other factors were sluggish – among the highest DOM and most supply, although every category in every submarket across the area improved. I believe the dropping number of distress sales in North Co helped push the average price up. West County showed a 2.3% price increase, and average indicators. My experience here is that homes below $500,000 were selling faster, and higher prices were slower, keeping the average just average. I believe the big spenders in 2017 were staying closer in, as evidenced by the Central Corridor rise. The city of STL (2.3% up) and Jefferson County (4.3% up) were on the slow side, with higher DOM and home supply. Jeff Co, along with their solid appreciation, had a very low negotiation factor of 99.3% list price to sale price (sellers came off price only .7%), a close second to St Charles, so don’t expect to get a low offer accepted there!

Looking ahead to 2018, economic indicators are almost all positive. With the STL unemployment rate now at 3.4%, and running below the national average, now at 4.1%, for about 2 years; the stock market at all time highs, wage growth increasing, the global economy strengthening, and our region’s reputation for affordability, I anticipate an increase of 5%, maybe 6% in home values this year. Now is the time to be planning and prepping for a move in 2018 – contact me now to take advantage of the best market we have seen in 12 years!

Go Home Values!