Downtown STL real estate update

Downtown STL real estate update: The number of sales is steadily climbing, days-on-market are steadily dropping, and prices are making some headway. From 2012 to 2017, the number of units sold – condos/ lofts in high rise buildings – has increased from 96 to 124 (30%), time on market has dropped from median 109 days to 57 (48%), and average sale price increased from $164,839 to $180,818 (10%). YTD numbers for 2018 are indicating a higher number of units sold and not coming off the asking price as much, but an increase in days-on-market and a decrease in price. This could be more of the smaller units selling, or sellers getting more anxious as they sit on the market longer.

I ran the same stats for the Central West End condo market, the only other large concentration of condos/ lofts in the city, especially high-rises. Over the same period, # of units sold rose 87%, almost doubling, days on market dropped 76% to 24 days, and prices went up about the same, 10.2%. Overall the St Louis market had another strong first half of 2018, but a softer 2nd half. I will have complete figures next month to compare. At this point, it seems that the city high-rise market, appreciating at roughly 2% a year, is running about half what the rest of the region’s homes are running, at about 4%.